, an initiative of Borderless Healthcare Group


Have a vacation in Thailand and indulge in the service of global health & wellness experts via immersive telemedicine cloud in the privacy of your own 5 star Beach front villa.

Enjoy healthy gourmet cuisine, personalised fitness coaching and mindfulness workshop. You can have the option to continue your vacation with a medical program from our list of affiliated clinics.

Our’s LGBT program is designed with which is a dedicated health and wellness platform for the lgbt communities. is an initiative between Borderless Healthcare Group and renowned lgbt medicine practitioners in the world.

Sign up for the LGBT program!


    Do you want to be guided by top fertility wellness professionals in a beachfront villa setting while embarking on a journey of body, mind and soul enrichment to boost your fertility wellness?’s fertility wellness program provides you with a comprehensive support from renowned fertility doctors, psychologists, dietitians, fitness coaches, etc to bring you a new enlightenment in the management of your fertility. Your experience will commence from home prior to your departure until your arrival to your vacation destination where you will be coached on lifestyle modification, nourishment of your body with the right nutrients and preparation of your mind to immerse into mindfulness.

    During the vacation, you will indulge in meditation, yoga, spa in beautiful nature, get personalised gym training sessions and consult with top IVF doctors and other experts via our immersive telemedicine cloud. To further reinforce how you can eat right for your fertility wellness, we will even have top chefs to “co-cook” some healthy gourmet cuisine with you which could further enhance your fertility wellness via a delicious recipe. A fertility screening test will be conducted during your stay to establish a fertility baseline. You will have the option to move forward with the medical procedures like social egg freezing or other ART treatment with our affiliated fertility clinics in Thailand during the same trip or you can come back to us when you are ready with a better prepared body, mind and soul.

    Sign up for the fertility program! is an initiative of Borderless Healthcare Group. All rights reserved. Copyright 2024.